There's something fishy with the Trump assassination attempt...

Trump standing tall after failed assassination attempt

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, there was a live assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

What sets this assassination attempt apart is the role of social media and the internet. Unlike in the past, when it took years to uncover details and public interest waned, the public can now collaborate in real-time to solve the case.

This situation is particularly interesting given the lessons learned since the JFK assassination, including the release of previously confidential information surrounding that event. Many people back then didn’t believe the official story as it didn’t align with the evidence of their eyes and ears, but it eventually got swept under the rug as these things usually do.

That being said, a lot of "official" information being released just doesn't add up.

What Happened

Here is everything that we know. Not all of this is "official" as per the mainstream media, but it's 2024, we can come to our own conclusions.


Crooks was spotted scoping out the area an hour before Trump was set to take the stage. He captured aerial footage with a drone and measured distances with a rangefinder.

The Secret Service became aware of this threat about ten minutes before Trump was scheduled to take the stage, yet no action was taken, and Trump proceeded with his appearance.

So Crooks not only was able to fly a drone over the event to scope it out, he was also able get sneak past the world's biggest and baddest security force, then take shots at the president.

Crooks was already a person of interest, yet the secret service failed to act.

A sniper stationed above Crooks snapped this picture of him:

The Shooting

Based on the evidence we have, it appears as if there were a total of 9 shots fired that day, with only 1 shot being taken by the United States Secret Service (USSS).

This is concerning because that means 8 shots were flying toward the president, but when the audio from different videos is analyzed, it's clear that there is more than 1 weapon being fired as the acoustics for different strings of shots sound different, as we'd expect if have shooters in different environments with different weapons.

Here is a great audio analysis by Chris Martenson:

Multiple eyewitnesses reported multiple shooters, leading some to believe that a second (or possibly third) shooter was operating from the water tower.

And these are the "elite" Secret Service members assigned to Protect the future president:

Something tells me these weren't the best people for the job...

The Aftermath

After Crooks was killed, authorities found a detonator in his pockets and explosives in his vehicle. How would a 20 year old kid make explosives at home without anyone noticing? He lived with his parents, so it's not like he was cooking bombs at home or renting a lab, leading questions as to how he was able to obtain these items.

It's emerged that the building where Crooks was staged was actually occupied by law enforcement and the US Secret Service (USSS), yet nobody heard someone walking on the tin roof. Agents were also stationed on the second floor of the building next to where Crooks was firing from and had a perfect view of the whole thing. One eyewitness even reported seeing the USSS notice the threat yet fail to take action. Other reports suggest that the USSS was issued a stand-down order.

This is obviously a hot story with many evolving details. But things are really starting to smell suspicious. On July 22, 2024, the Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, was grilled at a House hearing. Here are some highlights:

So what do you think about this? They've done sinister things in the past, so why wouldn't they stage an assassination to eliminate the first real leader America has had in decades?

Adding to this conspiracy, a couple of days after the shooting was the Republican National Convention (RNC). Trump made a grand appearance, gave his speech, and accepted the nomination. The very next day, a global cyber outage took place, and Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the race.

It's almost like the plan was to let Joe run so that real Democratic candidates miss out on the bid. Then they sneak in their puppet (Kamala, or Hillary), assassinate Trump, and insert their Republican puppet. This plan obviously failed with the failed assassination. These next few months are going to be really weird, but I suspect Joe Biden will on his way out sooner than we think.

Bonus: Mainstream Media Headlines Downplaying the Event

NBC Headline: Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard at his Pennsylvania rally
CNN Headline: Secret Service Rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally
Washing Post Headline: Trump escorted away after loud noises at Pa. rally
Denver Post Headline: Gunman Dies In Attack